
My Portfolio List

Earning releases for my recommended stocks are updated on the calender. You can see it from Investments and Personal Finance -> Stock Watch List (Earning Release).

Below are stocks that I currently own.  Buy at your own risk but I have done serious research before buying.  I will let you guys know if I plan to sell and of the stocks below.  My portfolio is currently B ranked based on Navilier's Portfolio Grade (free for us to use, see recommended sites section) and is earning a little more than  S&P at the moment.



$199 Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet Unveiled, is it a steal?

The stock market is a mess this week but there were still exciting news announced in NYC at the Amazon Tablet Event.  The very first Amazon android tablet called Kindle Fire is all over the news, but is it a steal at $199 price tag?

Lets first examine the specs and then compare it to the competitor.

  •  7-inch IPS panel
  • Gorilla Glass coating
  •  1GHz TI OMAP dual-core CPU
  • 512MB of RAM,
  • 8GB of internal storage
  •  weighs 14.6 ounces
  • Access to Amazon's services (Android Appstore,  Kindle books,  free Amazon Cloud Storage )

Comparisons (taken from geekapolis.fooyoh.com and unplggd.com)

original image

Final Verdict
It is one of the cheapest android tablet given the spec.  All the cheap tablets out there under $200 do not have IPS screen and duo core processor.  However, the lack of camera,  expandable storage, bluetooth, GPS and Google's android market will pull some people's interest away from this tablet.  If you want all that bells and whistles (i.e bluetooth, GPS, front and back camera, USB ports, HDMI ports), you are still better off getting other tablets like Ipad or honeycomb tablet.

If you want a very portable device specifically for reading books, surfing the net, play multimedia, casual gaming, this device is for you.   Also, if you like Amazon services and you shop from amazon often, this tablet is really good for that as well since you can get a month of free amazon prime membership if you pre-order the device now.

By the way, if you are only interested in ebook reading, then you should also consider the new Amazon Kindle and Kindle touch as they are much cheaper.

You can buy this amazing tablet here.



Stock Pick Performance

On Feb 08 this year I recommended 2 stocks.  Lets look at the performance of those two stocks FOSL(Fossil, Inc.) and SNDK(Sandisk Corp.)

Up to this point, our stock pick has a 50% hit rate, but average gain is about 27%, which is not bad for 5 months performance.  Both stocks are fairly conservative stock with decent balance sheet, therefore, I would expect in the long term, the gain will be much higher.  Stay tuned for more stock picks and performance report.


How to use this site to its utmost potential

Most of you who visit this site once a while are probably wondering why this website has infrequent posts.  The reason is simple; we do not post a deal unless we think it really a good deal.  On top of that, the deals websites we recommended and the deals feeds on this website is more than enough for people to screen out the good deals from the bad and to use them as a reference to how much a product should cost.  This post is to help the readers of this site understand how to use this website to save money, make money, and most important, to have fun during the money saving as well  money making process.

What is a hot deal?  Everyone has their own definition of a hot deal.  But here's mine:

A hot deal is a product or service that one has interest in or are useful to one's daily live but for a bargain price (i.e. price much lower than competition and much lower than MSRP).  Whether a hot deal is a hot also depends on how much money you are willing to spend on a product or services and how much you can tolerate bad customer service or bad quality products and services in return for cheaper cost.  Sometimes a hot deal is something that can hold or increase its value through time (i.e. investment deals).  In addition, a hot deal could also mean free or low cost services that can help you be more productive or to save or make money.  

This website include many, if not all of the tools needed to find and analyze hot deals for saving, making money, and buying bang for the buck products and services.  All of the recommended sites on the top right hand corner are the main tools for you to get the hot deals that I have described above.

The HDA(Hotdealanalyzer) Way

If you are a gadget person like me then you will like all many of the deals posted on the deal websites that I recommended on this website (slickdeals.net, fatwallet.com, dealslava.com).  Also, this website takes the top 5 current feeds of the popular tech reviews, blogs, and deal websites so that you can get up to date information without actually going to those websites.  All the links recommended on this site should be more or less what you need to analyze whether a deal (especially electronic deals) is good enough for you.  Typically this could save you $10 to several hundred dollars. 

So you save couple bucks here and there.  What now?  There are several things that you can do to get more out of these savings.  You can buy more than one of these deals then sell them on Ebay or Craiglist for some profit.  Or, you could use the savings to buy more gadgets or services that is also a hot deal.  OR, you can put the savings in the bank to earn some interest.  Or, best yet, you could invest the amount of money you saved from those deals for much more interest than the bank.

That's what lendingclub.com, fool.com, and other investment related links and posts are for; to make your hot deal a even better deal.  Worst case scenario is losing the amount money you saved from the deals and it's as if you buy something that you are going to buy anyway but without discount.  The best case scenario is having additional cash power without affecting the money you already have in the bank.  

Typically,  I recommend signing up electronic accounts for credit cards, banking, and investments because you can link and monitor all those accounts from a single site called Mint.com.  I strongly encourage everyone to try it out and it is a free tool that can help you figure out your financial situation and to help you save money toward a certain goal.  It is really safe because mint.com is built from the company who created Turbotax, so it's it's really safe if not safer than Turbotax.

From the saving you get from the deals you find, you can invest those saving or keep those money saved in the bank.  By using mint.com, you can keep track your spending and prevent unnecessary spendings so that you can save more money that you can use for future purchases or investments.  What you can get out of doing all these work is having additional money to buy stuffs you like but without worrying about your financial situation.  

Finally, I really hope people can benefit from this website and I will post more details how to use all the free tools that I recommended.


Eee Pad Transformer North American Launch

The highly anticipated android tablet will finally be available in North America at various well known retailers including Amazon, Best Buy, and Walmart. This sweet tablet runs for only $399 and the optional keyboard dock runs for $149.(see Eee Pad Transformer North American Launch News for details)

Why is this tablet a big deal and what is this tablet different from any other android tablets out there?

This is the cheapest android tablet out there that sport the latest android software, the tegra 2 processor, and an IPS screen with resolution that is same if not better than its competitors.  Combined with the dock, the combination can get very good battery life, ~15 hours, and weights only about 2.9lbs total.

Shown below is a comparison table taken from Anandtech's recent review on the transformer tablet.:

As you can see, the Asus Eee pad has a very competitive pricing compared its rivals and I am glad to see this as it will create pressure on the cost of tablets in the future.  I believe that netbook/tablet transformer platform will dominate the market in term of mobile gadges in the near future.

For more detailed review on this tablet, please check out http://www.anandtech.com/show/4277/asus-eee-pad-transformer-review and http://reviews.cnet.com/tablets/asus-eee-pad-transformer/4505-3126_7-34467853.html?tag=mncol;txt.

Related videos

CNET's video review:

User review by andyxover:

BTV's first look clip on the Asus Eee Pads product line:


$114 Amazon Kindle 3 Wifi Special Edition

Just recently found a deal from dealslava.com that book lovers shouldn't pass up.  This special edition is the newest kindle 3 WIFI along with bunch of freebies and sponsored screen savers.  It is cheaper than the normal version which is $139.  The only draw back to this deal is that it's on pre-order and they will not be released until beginning of May.  The Kindle3 is a really neat device and many specs were improved from the previous version.

Below are the features and improvements of Kindle3 as compared to Kindle2 (taken from Amazon.com):

  • All-New, High-Contrast E Ink Screen - 50% better contrast with latest E Ink Pearl technology
  • Read in Bright Sunlight - No glare
  • New and Improved Fonts - New crisper, darker fonts
  • New Sleek Design - 21% smaller body while keeping the same 6" size reading area
  • 17% Lighter - Only 8.5 ounces, weighs less than a paperback
  • Battery Life of Up to One Month - A single charge lasts up to one month with wireless off
  • Double the Storage - Up to 3,500 books
  • Built-In Wi-Fi - Shop and download books in less than 60 seconds
  • 20% Faster Page Turns - Seamless reading
  • Enhanced PDF Reader - With dictionary lookup, notes, and highlights
  • New WebKit-Based Browser - Browse the web over Wi-Fi (experimental)
  • Special Offers - Special offers and sponsored screensavers display on the Kindle screensaver and on the bottom of the home screen—they don't interrupt reading
In my opinion, the specifications for the Kindle3 is really decent considering the fact that it's a relatively low cost device.  It's about the same or cheaper than it's predecessor but with all the above improvements.  Personally, I would get this device just because of it's great e-ink screen, it's super light weight, and it's superb battery life.  Although some people think that ipad or other tablet would do the trick, but I believe this version of Kindle is best ebook reader you can get on the block. 



D3Live(this kid did a really good job talking about the Kindle3):

A user review on the PDF part of the Kindle3:


More updates on the anticipated NoteSlate

From two posts ago, I briefly talked about a $99 NoteSlate that is due to come out in June, a simple paper replacement for taking, saving, and sharing your notes.  To me it seems like a bargain because of it's simple concept and it's usefulness factor.  Just recently NoteSlate.com updated their website and more information was provided in their design, products, and features section of the site.  I was glad to see the progress they made and was hopeful that they will market their product on time.

Here's a brief list showing what this device can do and the pros of this device:  

  • tablet device, 1-bit display, monochrome, 1 touch
  • simple device, slick body, paper look and feel
  • has low power consumption, solar accessories, and passive mode for displaying static pages.
  • can store up to70,000 pages of notes
  • can share files through WIFI and USB
  • flexibility in the firmware modification.  The firmware will be later available for opensource community. 
The technical details of NoteSlate is shown below:

There'll be no all color version anymore.  The picture below shows only the color variants of NoteSlate that will be available this June.  In the future they will have the custom colors version available for purchase as well.

For more details, feel free to go to www.noteslate.com.  You can also signed up a pre-order newsletter on their website so that you will be contacted whenever pre-order is available online.  This device will be sold only through this website as well.


    US Stock Pick of the Week

    I have recently found two really good stocks for you to buy this week, FOSL and SNDK.  

    When to buy them?  This week

    For good short term/mid term gains,
    FOSL: buy under $80
    SNDK: buy under $55

    Estimated FOSL to go >$100
    Estimated SNDK to go >=$65

    Note: my predictions are based on market studies, forum opinions, and intuition.  Follow at your own risk.  However, I am confident you will get some profit from it if you get in now.

    Update 2/15/2011: The market starts out very weak today due to fear of inflation, but I believe that the future is still bright with the stock market. However we need to be more cautious about our stock purchase from now on.  On the side note, solar stocks are really hot now due to oil price rising so now it's good time to grab some solar sector shares into your porfolio!!!


    NoteSlate /// intuitively simple monochrome paper alike tablet device

    From a recent post by Gizmodo.com, I found a rather interesting device. NoteSlate!!! It's a tablet built with the sole purpose of note taking and PDF viewing/editing. 

    "NoteSlate is low cost tablet device with true one colour display, real paper look design, long life battery (180h !), together with very handy usage and very simple and helpful interface for pen and paper. This easy, compact and portable gadget is used anywhere you want to make any notes, drafts, sketches, any ideas for future reference. Paper for everyone! Write a note and check it later, save it, or delete it. Maybe send it after. Just one colour is enough to express the basics. Keep your life simple. You will love it. For $99."

    This would potentially be a cool and useful device and it's not very expensive (~$99).  Although this device is not available for purchase right now,  I am expecting more of this type of device coming out later this year and early next year so stay tuned.

    Here's Gizmodo's take on noteslate:

    Here's Engadget's take on noteslate:

    Other's take on noteslate:


    Update:  some people commented that NoteSlate concept is really similar to Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet which is available for purchase online already for about $40, albeit not as sleek and have lesser spec. (limited functions, cannot save, etc) as compared to the NoteSlate. 


    What to check out this week?

    Yesterday, the stock market was doing well and we found several good deals online, but it gets boring after while. Earning money and saving a few bucks here and there is all great; however, I do feel we need to entertain ourselves with other exciting things to look for.

    So, what is new?

    Android OS is the king of tech news this week with Google's official live demo of the new Android Honeycomb and the new web-based android market today in Mountain View. If you search Honeycomb in Google News search, you will see what I mean. Here are few links from my favorite tech blog sites about these:


    Here's a preview of Honeycomb(Android 3.0):

    Here's the Google's live demo of Android 3.0 Honeycomb at CES 2011

    Live Event Recording This Morning

    Why is this a good news?

    Honeycomb OS is an android OS that is optimized for tablets and bigger screen devices. If in the coming years honeycomb tablets can take about 30% to 50% of the tablet market, we as consumers will benefit from the price competition among Apple and other brands. We can potentially get cheaper tablets with above average specs.

    2011 is the year of tablets. This could potentially be great for investors and traders to take advantage of this trend to gain from the emerging tablet sector as well as the general semiconductor sector.

    Update: The web version of android market is alive! Check it out. I have an Android device so I am excited to see this working today.

    CNET TV's first look video on the new web version android market:


    Navellier's Watch list and Stock Earning Release Date

    Trading is fun and I am providing you a list FOR FREE that people would pay money for.  The list below is a really decent list of stocks. Research carefully before you buy but they all have decent fundamentals and have the potential to grow.  The list is recommended by Navellier (see recommended links section on the right):

    Buy List By Earnings Date

    Stock SortDate Sort
    Altria Group Inc. (MO)01/27/11
    Amazon.com (AMZN)01/27/11
    Amerisourcebergen Corp. (ABC)02/04/11
    Apple (AAPL)01/18/11
    AutoZone Inc. (AZO)03/01/11
    Baidu (BIDU)01/31/11
    BorgWarner Inc. (BWA)02/10/11
    Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. (CTSH)02/07/11
    Companhia de Bedidas sas Americas (Ambev) (ABV)03/03/11
    Ctrix Systems (CTXS)01/26/11
    Deere & Company (DE)02/16/11
    DIRECTV Holdings LLC. (DTV)02/17/11
    Dr. Pepper Napple Group Inc. (DPS)02/24/11
    Express Scripts (ESRX)02/23/11
    F5 Networks (FFIV)01/19/11
    Ford motor Co. (F)01/28/11
    H.J. Heinz Co. (HNZ)02/18/11
    Hospira Inc. (HSP)02/02/11
    Ilumina Inc. (ILMN)02/08/11
    Limited Brands Inc. (LTD)02/23/11
    Magna International inc. (MGA)02/24/11
    McDonald's Corp. (MCD)01/24/11
    NetApp Inc. (NTAP)02/16/11
    Novo Nordisk A/S (NVO)02/02/11
    O'Reilly Automotive Inc. (ORLY)02/16/11
    Priceline.com (PCLN)02/17/11
    Reynolds American inc. (RAI)02/03/11
    Salesforce.com Inc. (CRM)02/17/11
    SanDisk Corp. (SNDK)01/27/11
    Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW)03/03/11
    Tata Motors Ltd. (TTM)01/25/11
    VMware Inc. (VMW)01/24/11
    From my research, I personally recommend AMN, AAPL, FFIV, ILMN, MGA, NVO, BIDU, SNDK, CTSH, ABV, and VMW.   every other stocks on the list are great as well except HSP which you are supposed to sell now instead of buy.  Amazon just recently dropped a bit but it's still a good buy at the current price as a conservative long term stock.

    In addition, another stock to buy is MIPS.  It got oversold by the market despite the good earning release and decent company fundamentals.  I believe if you get in at the right time now you should get some short term gain.

    Please consult Navellier's portfolio grader as well as Motley Fool's websites (under recommended link section on the right) before you make any decision to buy any of these stocks.

    Update 2/01/2011:  If you had followed my recommended stock pick, you would have gained earnings of 4%  from MIPS, 1.5% from AMN, 1.7% from APPL, 1.6% from FFIV, 2.1% from ILMN, 1.1% from MGA, 1.3% from NVO, 9.3% from BIDU, 2.3% from SNDK, 3.4% from CTSH, 1.2% from ABV, 1.4% from VMW.  I made a purchase for MIPS this morning at $12.70 per share and now it's at almost $13.00 per share.  Gained 30 cents per share!!!  If you invested 100 shares then you get $30 gain.  I would not recommending selling right away though.  You need to consider the cost of trade commissions and tax which would make your actual gain about $5 (buy a trade is $10 commission, sell a trade is $10 commission, tax will take about 50% of your gain after commission).  Regardless, this stock will go up even more and make this better deal.  Depending on how much you invest, your earning will vary.

    Update 2/04/2011:  I added a calender showing earning release date for the stocks that I am watching.  You can find it under the investment and personal finance tab.


    FrontPage Worthy Creditcard Deal is here!!!

    Update: Deal is now dead.

    Just saw on Slickdeals.net's front page deal:

    Chase offers $150 Cashback when you sign up for Chase Freedom credit card and spend $500 or more in 3 months.
    If you do not have too many credit cards and always pay on time.  You should jump on this now.  If you buy a tablet or note book worth $500 and in 3month you get $150 cash back.  Isn't that great?  That's at least 10% off your purchase.  Not to mention the fact you can use it to purchase anything you want.  You could use *lendingclub.com and get another 10% per year, or you could either browse through my recommended deal sites such as slickdeals.net or fatwallet.com to find things you want to buy for cheaper than normal prices using this Chase Freedom card, or you could try out the amazon gadgets at the bottom of the page to find best possible deal, and so on.  All in all, you could have saved at least 150 bucks on anything you buy.  Furthermore, you could potentially save even more money by being creative.  Last but not least you can check how much you saved through mint.com.  Fun stuffs here.
    This above example shows how you can use this website to its potential.  The collection of link will help you save money and/or have more money to spend for things you want to buy.

    Update: There is also $150 cb after $500 in 3 months with the Chase Sapphire Card. 

    *Note that you can only use credit card to fund your lending only first time.  However, you can open as many lending club account as you want as long as you have multiple email accounts.


    Discount Tire Direct Promotional Offers

    Need tires for your car soon? Discount Tire Direct is the absolute best place to order tires online. They not only offer free shipping on orders, but also very competitive prices--to the likes of TireRack. I have personally used DTD for my own personal street and race cars. Their customer service has always been top notch.
    Please click the link below to check out their current promotions:

    These are primarily mail-in rebates for those that purchase a set of 4 eligible tires. A great deal if you were looking for tires anyway! Don't skimp out on the only things keeping your car on the ground!

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me for any clarification.


    Automotive Deals Section Added!

    Hi, my name is Lon and I will be in charge of HDA's automotive sector. I am a car enthusiast with over 5-years experience in the field modifying street cars and building race cars for the track. I'm an active member on car forums so I'm always up to date with the latest news. I can bring valuable automotive-related info to the public as well as giving feedback to those who wish to comment in the automotive section or forum of HDA.

    Acethegr8t (Dave) will be joining our staff here @ HDA as well to help out with all of your Automotive needs =]


    Market Days Ahead, Joys or Woes?

    Hi, this is Tom and I will be helping Ken with investment and personal finance tips, news, and deals section.

    As evident in the stock markets the past one week, investors have reacted strongly, in a negative way, to the global unrest in Egypt, bolstered by a handful of disappointing earnings reports, e.g. F5 Networks, Amazon Inc., Ford Motors.

    However, I believe that the market will continue in an upward trend as we near the beginning of February, though a few bumps along the ride are expected, as the Egypt situation eases and a whole new slate of earnings reports are unveiled.  If you have any shares in hand and trying to decide whether to sell then you should hold off a bit and probably even buy more of the stocks that fell due to over reacting.  We'll see what happens next week and we can probably take the chance to pick up some more undervalued stocks.

    Stay tuned for stock tips and advice for next week.


    Gadget of the Month: Notion Ink Adam Part I

    Who is Notion Ink? What is Notion Ink Adam?

    Notion Ink is a company in India which faced several issues trying to turn their dream concept into an actual product. It took them about 2-3 years to convert their concept to reality and finally was able to provide pre-order of their first tablet product called Notion Ink Adam. On December 9th, 2010, a limited number of devices were released for pre-order globally on the official website and very soon it was all sold out.  After the pre-order the CEO of Notion Ink posted several unofficial videos on the Adam tablet user interface (UI) called Eden UI.

    The Adam Tablet runs on a customized version of android with addition of muti-pane user interface to improve multitasking experience. A cool feature of Adam is that we have an option to to choose Pixel Qi screen instead of the standard LCD screen. Pixel Qi is a low-power, dual-mode display that can switch between an e-ink ebook reader like screen and the normal LCD screen. In addition it is one of several tablets coming out beginning this year to include the powerful dual-core Nvidia Tegra 2 processor.  From Notion Ink site(not available anymore after pre-order was sold out), we find that Notion Ink offers a range of Adam tablets with different options:

    LCD and WiFi: $375.33
    LCD, WiFi, and 3G: $425.33
    Pixel Qi and Wifi: $499.45
    Pixel Qi, Wifi, and 3G $549.99

    A more detailed list of technical specifications is listed on the official Notion Ink website.  For more information about Notion Ink Adam, you can also check out NotionInk FAQ Wiki the community created.

    Albeit various disappointments and negative news.  The product finally made its appearance in CES 2011 and was captured in several first hands on reviews from tech news/review sites.  One of the better review videos I found is from Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/05/notion-ink-adam-hands-on-preview-video/) and the comments were mostly positive.

    Recent reviews:


    Reasons why Adam tablet is a good buy:

    1. Avid community. Check out the following websites and  you'll see what I mean: http://www.notioninkfan.com/http://www.notionaddicts.com/forums/forum.phphttp://notionink.wordpress.com/http://notioninkhacks.com/http://www.adamtabletnews.com/, and http://www.notioninkusers.blogspot.com/
    2. Fun device (swivel camera, Pixel Qi screen, RF radio, Eden UI, etc.)
    3. Feature to cost ratio is really good compare to alternatives (starts from $375 for the none-Pixel Qi, wifi only version- the one I got).  Xoom (not available yet) would cost at least $200 more and maybe require contract.
    4. Can be used every where (mobility, varieties of tasks it can do)
    5. Can be used for people of all ages (very light and size is big enough to read ebooks and surfing online without eye strain)
    6. Appearance is different from typical tablets (economical design)
    7. Xda forum support(hacker's dream tablet)
    8. Battery life is long ( typical use is ~6-12hours according to some users in the forum) 
    9. Potential Honeycomb update.
    10. You would be supporting a company that has potential to do big things in the future.

    Issues to be awared of:

    The community forums seems to overreact to everything that didn't go their way and was skeptical about the health of the company.  The device was not without fault.  There were people reporting that they received units with bad Pixel Qi screen.  The customer support of Notion Ink as of now is really poor, slow reply due to small company with little man power.


    Intro video taken from official Notion Ink website:


    I am waiting for Notion Ink to ship the product.  It's estimated to ship by Jan 29th from China factory and I assume it will arrive to me by mid-February.  I will post the video as soon as possible.

    Update:  The shipment is delayed due to the short supply of LCD screens.  Now the estimated shipping date is Feb 14th now.

    From what I see, NotionInkFan.com makes the best unboxing videos and review videos all around.  There are many more and you can search on youtube but they'll be more of less the same or worst in quality and content.  Here it is:

    Video taken from Notion Ink Fan Website - Greg's unboxing video


    Video taken from Notion Ink Fan Website - Greg's 2 part review videos

    Video taken from Notion Ink Fan Website - bonus review video that Mike (vector66) created about one of the Adam tablet alternatives, ViewSonic G-Tablet(have similar hardware and software platform), and then compares the specification of ViewSonic G-Tablet with Adam