
How to use this site to its utmost potential

Most of you who visit this site once a while are probably wondering why this website has infrequent posts.  The reason is simple; we do not post a deal unless we think it really a good deal.  On top of that, the deals websites we recommended and the deals feeds on this website is more than enough for people to screen out the good deals from the bad and to use them as a reference to how much a product should cost.  This post is to help the readers of this site understand how to use this website to save money, make money, and most important, to have fun during the money saving as well  money making process.

What is a hot deal?  Everyone has their own definition of a hot deal.  But here's mine:

A hot deal is a product or service that one has interest in or are useful to one's daily live but for a bargain price (i.e. price much lower than competition and much lower than MSRP).  Whether a hot deal is a hot also depends on how much money you are willing to spend on a product or services and how much you can tolerate bad customer service or bad quality products and services in return for cheaper cost.  Sometimes a hot deal is something that can hold or increase its value through time (i.e. investment deals).  In addition, a hot deal could also mean free or low cost services that can help you be more productive or to save or make money.  

This website include many, if not all of the tools needed to find and analyze hot deals for saving, making money, and buying bang for the buck products and services.  All of the recommended sites on the top right hand corner are the main tools for you to get the hot deals that I have described above.

The HDA(Hotdealanalyzer) Way

If you are a gadget person like me then you will like all many of the deals posted on the deal websites that I recommended on this website (slickdeals.net, fatwallet.com, dealslava.com).  Also, this website takes the top 5 current feeds of the popular tech reviews, blogs, and deal websites so that you can get up to date information without actually going to those websites.  All the links recommended on this site should be more or less what you need to analyze whether a deal (especially electronic deals) is good enough for you.  Typically this could save you $10 to several hundred dollars. 

So you save couple bucks here and there.  What now?  There are several things that you can do to get more out of these savings.  You can buy more than one of these deals then sell them on Ebay or Craiglist for some profit.  Or, you could use the savings to buy more gadgets or services that is also a hot deal.  OR, you can put the savings in the bank to earn some interest.  Or, best yet, you could invest the amount of money you saved from those deals for much more interest than the bank.

That's what lendingclub.com, fool.com, and other investment related links and posts are for; to make your hot deal a even better deal.  Worst case scenario is losing the amount money you saved from the deals and it's as if you buy something that you are going to buy anyway but without discount.  The best case scenario is having additional cash power without affecting the money you already have in the bank.  

Typically,  I recommend signing up electronic accounts for credit cards, banking, and investments because you can link and monitor all those accounts from a single site called Mint.com.  I strongly encourage everyone to try it out and it is a free tool that can help you figure out your financial situation and to help you save money toward a certain goal.  It is really safe because mint.com is built from the company who created Turbotax, so it's it's really safe if not safer than Turbotax.

From the saving you get from the deals you find, you can invest those saving or keep those money saved in the bank.  By using mint.com, you can keep track your spending and prevent unnecessary spendings so that you can save more money that you can use for future purchases or investments.  What you can get out of doing all these work is having additional money to buy stuffs you like but without worrying about your financial situation.  

Finally, I really hope people can benefit from this website and I will post more details how to use all the free tools that I recommended.